There are few things in life that are more captivating than a black and white photograph from the 'olden days'. You are given a glimpse into a world which existed long before you were born, or even long before your grand parents were born. Black and white pictures are necessarily linked to a time where colour did not exist. However, colour photography did exist more than 100 years ago. According to Wikipedia (oh, the feeling of citing Wikipedia - soo wrong, but yet so good), colour photography was attempted as early as the beginning of the 1840s, but never really made a great success due to its fading colours of fake colouring methods. However, despite the existence of old colour photographs, I have never really seen any before very recently; the extraordinarily beautiful colours of
Albert Kahn's photographs are faded and subtle - making you stop and wonder, dreamily about how the world used to be. Having seen only black and white pictures from the old days, I find myself slightly puzzled by the sudden appearance of colour. It is refreshing and wonderful, and a bit mysterious.
Albert Kahn was not himself the photographer, though. He was initiating and commissioning photographers to document the world through colour photographies in 1909 and onwards. The actual photographers The result is an array of pictures from all over the world - giving us all a glimpse into a past long forgotten.
The Albert Kahn
museum is in Paris, and the BBC has currently published a
book where you can find some of his pictures.
I will definitely go and have a look at the museum when in Paris, and might even buy the book. I can imagine it is the absolute best pass time on a rainy day where all you want to do is stay inside and drink lots of herbal tea..
London |
Norway - possibly Hardanger (I have the same national costume dress) |
England |
France |
Yes, endelig nytt innlegg:) Så fine bilder:) Helt enig at de er veldig drømmende og vakre! Vanskelig å finne en favoritt blant de, men tror kanskje jeg faller på det med hesten;)
SvarSlettOg så bra at du kan kommentere igjen :D Da blir det sikkert flere innlegg snart:p Ja, det med hesten er nydelig. Har superlyst til å kjøpe boken også!!