Not that I have any time. Exams are coming up soon - next Monday I have two! However, these 5 things have been on my wish list for months now.. I have my fingers crossed I will be able to go at some point before Xmas - perhaps after my exams before I return home. If you are going to London/are in London then here is my wish list for you to enjoy:
- Tate Modern - Klein + Moriyama photo exhibition
- Saatchi gallery - Chanel's black jacket exhibition
- National Gallery - My favourite gallery
- Trafalgar Square Xmas tree lighting (I think this is the first Thursday of December)
- Tim Walker's exhibition at Sommerset House
Xmas tree lighting at Trafalgar Square |
Nice liste!! Høres ut som morsomme planer, håper du får tid i mellom alle eksamene:)