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søndag 14. oktober 2012

Sunny Sunday

This weekend has passed by so quickly. I have been super focused on studying - finishing off preparing for 5 sessions coming week. I had to turn down a very tempting offer of going for a glass of wine Saturday, but I do not regret it at all as I feel very much prepared to do what is next on my list; to finish the Wills and Administration of Estates workbook and reading (which apparently is a lot) and finish the Professional Conduct and Regulation Workbook by next weekend. I might not be able to do it, but at least I can try..

I have also managed to go for two runs in Battersea Park. One on Friday after class, and one today (Sunday). My Friday run was 9km and my Sunday run was 7,5km. I am so glad I bought a new wind proof running jacket and head band as it was quite cold under the heavy crowned trees in the park. However, running with the sun on my face along the Thames made me realise it is not yet proper autumn. The sun was warm, and I am sure I got a real vitamin D boost. Me love.

What else is there to update? Not much. I have my advocacy mock exam tomorrow. Fingers crossed for that. I will act for the claimant in a case where the defendant has not paid the purchase price for delivery of silk fabric. The defendant has applied to court for an extension of time for submitting its defence. I am resisting the application on behalf of the claimant.It is all good fun, but nerve wracking. I am having the actual exam in two weeks time.

For a Sunday smile I am sharing a pic I find hilarious:

2 kommentarer:

  1. WOW, spreking!! 9 og 7,5 km er jo superbra!! Dørstokkmila er litt lang for meg om dagen, særlig siden det bare regner og er kaldt her i Køben:p Håper eksamen gikk bra i dag, krysser fingrene for deg;)

  2. Takk, Thessy :)) Målet er en mil, men den sitter litt langt inne.. Ja, det er ikke noe særlig å løpe i regnet.. Takk for det - er sikker på at dine kryss hjalp:)
